NOVALAC – HCP Sales Materials
Multicultural Healthcare
Multicultural Healthcare
We developed a multicultural healthcare campaign for Novalac, an infant formula producer and provider of specialty baby formulas around the world. This campaign was created for MENA (Middle East/North Africa) countries, where infant formula is a prescription product.
Novalac develops formulas for infants with acid reflux, colic and gas, constipation and other infant formulations.
The landscape for infant formulas is a competitive one that requires B2B marketing with a strong focus on marketing to Healthcare Providers (HCPs). Cultural insights and knowledge is a key component as we developed effective messages and clear and concise sales materials through different approaches than would be done in North America. Additionally, MENA includes seven (7) different countries, some with more strict guidelines than others.
While parents all over the world share a universal concern about the health of their children, it is important to keep in mind the cultural lens of the pediatricians and other physicians, as well as the peace of mind on the parents’ behalf.
The focus of the sales materials was to:
- Provide cultural and emotionally relevant educational messages and data which could be easily used by the sales reps during office visits
- Introduce the various formulations offered by Novalac and the different products varying from wellness checks and specific sick visits
- Create an overall level of interest for the pediatricians in the emotional state of the parents in addition to the data and treating symptoms
- Produce sales materials that are easily updated in different languages and printed in varying MENA countries, as well as digitally utilized by sales reps on tablets
Currently we are developing a digital campaign during this COVID-19 “SIP” to continue the dialogue with the Healthcare Providers (HCPs).